Hi there – and thank you for joining the Pathway to Power programme. I’m excited to have you along for the journey. We’re going to have a fabulous time exploring this adventure together, and discovering just how incredible and powerful you truly are.

Just to remind you what you’re going to get:

1. Access to the ‘Pathway to Power’ weekly programme – thoughts, insight, commentary and more, including links to my blog, to other thoughts and material that will help you on your own journey. This usually appears on a Friday, and so you should get your first instalment the Friday after joining the programme.

2. Access to the ‘Walking with Heroes’ programme – a 3-4 month exploration of the stories that shape our lives – a magical journey into myth, story, legend – and deep truth. You’ll get the first part of this series about a day or so after joining the programme, and then each part will follow every 7 days.

3. Regular ‘Just to remind you – you are amazing’ thoughts and insights. These should escape from my desk every Monday to set you up for the week and remind you just how incredible and wonderful you are.

4. Access to the ‘Creating the Magic’ ebook – you can download that HERE: for Adobe Acrobat (PDF) or HERE for Kindle (save to your computer). (see HERE for some guidelines on Acrobat and on transferring books to your Kindle).

5. Access to the ‘Making an Impact‘ special report – you can download that HERE: for Adobe Acrobat (PDF) or HERE for Kindle (save to your computer). (see HERE for some guidelines on Acrobat and on transferring books to your Kindle).

6. Access to more free programmes as they get produced and  released.

7. Early access to other products and workshops, programmes and courses, including subscriber discounts.

Phew! To make sure you get the regular emails, it’s worth while adding me (tim@timothyhodgson.com) to your mail account white list to avoid the emails ending up in the spam filter by accident!

Think that’s all for now – I’ll look forward to talking with you more in the near future.

Thanks again
