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Purpose and meaning

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It’s been a time of introspection over the last few days… I have been looking at what I am doing – what my purpose is – why I am on this trip… reflecting on the courses I have been on, the things that have been happening, and coming to some conclusions – I hope!

And so this is where I got myself to: this I who I am….

I am goodness and mercy and compassion and understanding.  I am peace and joy and light.  I am forgiveness and patience, strength and courage, a helper in time of need, a comforter in time of sorrow, a healer in time of injury, a teacher in times of confusion.

I am the deepest wisdom and the highest truth; the greatest peace and the grandest love. I am these things, and in moments of my life I have known myself as these things.  I choose now to know myself as these things always

I am in the room to heal the room.  I am in the space to heal the space.  There is no other reason for me to be here.

I am now going to trust who I am (because God made me this way), what I am capable, of, and trust my beliefs, my dreams, my purpose.

I am choosing to believe in God – a God who loves and cares for me, that I am a part of.  Even if I am wrong, it’s a better way to live. My God is not a vengeful father figure, but a support, a source of power, a source of truth.

Life is not about me but about what I can give to others

My purpose is to give encouragement – to provide leadership – to demonstrate power: to be a minister to people and to heal them.

I am living my life to the highest standards

  • Living as a rich man, with wealthy attitudes
  • Living as a godly man, with deeply spiritual behaviours
  • Living as a leader
  • Living as a man who gets the girl

I can live an incredible, productive, deep, romantic life and travel and have adventures

I am NOT in the IT geek space anymore – I am no longer a ‘technologist’

What makes me joyful is to teach and to lead – to grow through that leadership process.

I am refocussing my life around a deep and powerful personal leadership ministry – author, teacher, leader, adventurer, visionary

I follow my God, spending time in God’s presence every day

I am stepping into a new space of power and of authority.  I am going to make the second half of my life the best half.

God is restoring the years the locusts have eaten – and I am stepping into a new prosperity and a new success that eclipses the old.

The mighty is still the mighty – and now I am taking action.  I am through with putting myself down, with letting people say I am less than I am.  I am through with failure and mediocrity.  I am putting all that behind me, and moving on into a new empowering future.

Everything I want is coming to me now

– leadership and ministry – a place of influence and significance

– a beautiful soulmate and girlfriend

– wealth and financial freedom

– a life of power and magical creation

– purpose and meaning

The key for my life is to return to love…

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