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Let’s make this year awesome

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Read Time:4 Minute, 11 Second

The start of a New Year is, for me, a time of reflection and celebration as well as a time of looking forward. Sometimes, if we’re not careful, the years shade into one and we don’t take the time to simply stop and look back and see just what we have to be grateful for.

IMG_0117One of the things I do during the year is to keep a glass jar filled with all the great things that happen… not just the big things like special events, holidays, achieving goals… but the little things too. Some of the compliments I’ve been paid, the moments when I pushed myself to achieve something, the days when something has gone right. I can’t remember which of my friends suggested it – but thank you.  Here’s mine – an old Kilner jar – empty at the moment (hey, it’s a new year, give me a chance…).



Every year at the end of the year I take each of the notes out of the jar and read them with gratitude, remembering some of the great things that have happened. Even in a tough year, there are still some great things happening to each one of us – moments that bring us joy and elation.

And then I gather them together and hold a burning bowl ceremony – this year as I was considering this and reading through I suddenly noticed the most awesome sunset over the houses – so I jumped on the bike til I had a good view of the sunset and set fire to each one in a bowl. It just helps me to recognise what’s been great about that year, to be thankful for it, and then to release it – to let it go and clear the slate for the next year. And the beginning of the year seems to be a good time for it. You might find a better time that works for you – other cultures celebrate New Year on different days.

Burning Bowl (3)Burning Bowl (2)

The burning bowl allows me to let go of the sadness of the year that’s gone, too. Dreams that didn’t happen, things that went wrong. Perhaps for you it was a love affair that didn’t work out – or didn’t happen at all. Perhaps you’re still struggling financially. Maybe the new job you wanted didn’t happen, or the new home didn’t materialise. Maybe you’ve been struggling with ill-health, or have had family problems. Maybe the goals you’ve had didn’t happen – for whatever reason.

While those things may remain, this is a chance to breathe – a chance to know that that was then – and this, today, is a new day. Today, things can be different. Today, we can open our eyes, look to the skies and believe that we can start again.

IMG_0118For me, the exciting thing is to start to look at the year ahead. I’ve got a journal that allows me to do just that – to write down what I want to achieve next year. And for me it’s a hugely important time, because the choices I make are going to motivate me through next year. I’ve chosen to take huge chunks out of my week to do this – not just to grab for the easiest and most obvious goals, but to really choose to listen to my heart and find what will truly motivate me – that will allow me to step into all I can be.

So, for you….What’s going to drive you and motivate you next year? What do you value? What’s important to you? You can choose the characteristics that will form the year – abundance, adventure, peace, freedom, love, family, growing, change – whatever words you choose – and you can also (and perhaps most importantly) choose how you want to show up next year. What sort of person do you want to be? What gifts do you want to share with the world? How do you step into the true magnificence of being you? How are you going to unleash that on a world that, truly, is ready for what you have to offer.

And only then do I turn to goals for the year – goals that will help me express who I want to be. I’ve got some huge goals for 2014…and I have some simple ones too. But each one of them excites me and thrills me. They are not goals I feel that I ‘should’ do to conform to some stereotype…. but goals that move me, things that I want to do with all my being.

So, for you – how do you want 2014 to be? Let’s choose to throw out the new year’s resolutions and decide that this year – THIS year – is going to be the year when we really show up for life – where we decide that we’re going to fill the year full of adventure, full of experience, and above all – full of joy, and happiness, and peace, and love.

Because, for me, the only real question to be answered is

“What would love do now?”


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The mid point in eternity

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Read Time:1 Minute, 52 Second

(adapted from ‘Celebrate Yourself!’ by Eric Butterworth.)

4233260707_a625f823c9_bHAPPY NEW YEAR!

It’s a lovely sentiment, but the new year will bring little that is different for you unless you are different. Each day of the year the sun will rise and life will go on, with things unfolding as you expect them to and as you create them through your levels of consciousness.

And yet, this year is a very special year, for it is the midpoint in eternity. You can start here and go back into the dim past, or forward into the limitless future. You can go forward into the future to achieve anything you can conceive and believe. It is wise to take a brief look into the past year – not in regret, or resistant to change, but with the commitment to form right thoughts about every experience. See them rightly and find beautiful release and freedom.

Don’t go ‘back to work’, ‘back to school’, ‘back to normal’. Never go back to anything. Go forward to the new adventures that each day holds for you. Let the new year be a time of reaching forward with eagerness and anticipation.

Resolve this coming year to look forward with faith and expectancy. Determine that, in the days and months ahead, that you will live each day as if it were the only day of eternity. Go forward into each day in faith that you are at the midpoint of eternity, and at the centre of life, the universe, and of All That Is.

Look within to that in you that is the midpoint of eternity. Vaya con Dios! Go with God! It is the most important year of your life, the mid point between all that you have been and all that you can and will become. Happy awakening to your potential. Happy new release of your imprisoned splendour. Happy new YOU!


(Note from Tim: I came across this today, and felt it summed up how I felt about New Year so well that I had to share it. Eric Butterworth was a minister for Unity Church, and many of his writings have shaped my thought on my own personal spiritual journey)

Photo: Some rights reserved (Creative Commons), photo by Luis Argerich

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The Highest is the Nearest

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Read Time:2 Minute, 47 Second

Peru 448

Power for Today

“Live today. Begin now doing the thing you want to do. Begin now being the person you want to be. Begin now with what you have. Your opportunity lies within yourself. The Universe will help you when once you have made the start.” (Author unknown, Quoted by Catherine Ponder in ‘The Millionaire Moses’)

(Catherine is one of the greatest writers on prosperity thought – her book ‘The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity’ is a classic.)

From Timothy

This is part of a story from Catherine Ponder that I might share in full some time… but for now, I just wanted to bring those words to you. They were spoken a long time ago by a an unknown radio preacher.. but they remain true.

So often we decide that we’ll really start to live at some point in the future. When the kids leave school. When the kids leave home. When we retire. When we get the promotion. When we meet the partner of our dreams. When we win the lottery.

We have to start now.

Life seems full of people who are just making it through – afraid to pursue their dream. It might be because they don’t know what they want to do… but trust me, that thing that suddenly sprang into your mind when you thought ‘if only’ – that’s the thing you need to do. Something that thrills you, that makes you passionate.

Maybe you don’t know what you want to do – but there is something smouldering deep inside you that wants to be let out, that wants to come out and burn brightly. As Howard Thurman said “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” YOU have a gift to bring to this world. YOU have something to create that no-one else can create – something encoded in your DNA, strengthened by your life experiences, forged in all the hard times you have been through – and just waiting to be released by your conscious choice.

You have, right now, what you need to get started. You may not have everything perfectly, but you have what you need to begin. It’s that first step on the ladder that starts to kick everything into motion – as we begin, in faith, then it seems that the Universe begins to agree with us – that co-incidences begin to happen, that resources become available, that people turn up to help us. Serendipity begins to move in our favour and unexpected help comes from surprising directions.

But it’s you and I that kick start that engine of creation. Just choosing to begin makes it happen. The secret to beginning lies inside you.. the secret of success is simply to get started.

It’s over to you . . .

I know I am talking to myself as much as I am talking to you.. but what steps are you going to take today to make that dream, the one that you’ve had inside you for ages now – you know the one – what are you going to do to make that happen? So when would now be a good time to get started…..? 

…and remember – you are amazing!



original text and images © Timothy Hodgson 2011

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